The world of Anime has come a long way since it was born. Currently, there is a steady surge of animations coming out of Japan that cater to everyone across the globe. These animated series appear to be a big part of the modern culture worldwide.
In the past few years, we've seen what some call a h
"Anime, or Japan's form of animation, captivates audiences worldwide with its distinct flair. The top anime series often mingle fascinating storylines with impressive animations, often making them a in-demand pop culture topic. This write-up will highlight some of the prime anime series that are cur
Discovering the complex world of Anime, with a specific spotlight on Hayao Miyazaki, can be an inspiring experience. The creations by Miyazaki stretch the typical boundary of animation, providing stunning visuals coupled with powerful plots.
Miyazaki, the venerable and applauded Japanese film direc